Good Friday

So, this Good Friday turned out to be way more eventful and stressful for me than I bargained for, and let me tell you, it's all my own doing. I can't blame anyone else but myself.

It all started innocently enough—I stumbled upon someone giving away free plants. Now, who doesn't love freebies, right? Little did I know, I was signing up for a plant bonanza that would have me questioning my life choices.

I eagerly seized the opportunity without realizing the magnitude of the task at hand. It was only when the generous plant donor mentioned that one of the plants was as tall as him that I almost fainted. Cue panic mode.

Now, the challenge was how to transport these green giants. I looked into using Lalamove for a reasonable $28, but alas, the vehicles were too short for my newfound arboreal friends.

Frantically, I scoured the internet for last-minute solutions. Most delivery companies had already closed shop for the day, and the ones that responded either had no Saturday slots or were asking a whopping $100 for packing and delivery. I mean, come on, I wasn't planning on spending a hundred bucks on free plants.

As I grappled with feeling both stupid and stressed, I vowed to stop buying plants and save money. Irony, however, had other plans. Free plants, it turns out, can be more expensive than the ones you buy.

I couldn't back out of the deal—I had given my word, even if it was to a stranger. The stress levels were rising, and I was now fixated on how to pack these plants without causing harm. My Google search history was a desperate plea for packing tips and creative ways to fit towering plants into compact vehicles.

The struggle continued, with me contemplating spending $28 just to potentially harm a tall plant in front of its current owner. The mental image of him opening his mouth wide, shaking his head, and regretting his decision to gift me those plants haunted me.

Round two with Lalamove brought a taller vehicle, but at the cost of $85.50. The driver wouldn't pack for me, but he agreed to assist in moving the plants from door to door. Fingers crossed, right?

I even shot off emails to a few other delivery companies, hoping for a more budget-friendly option than Lalamove. All the while, I had to get my packing materials game on point, because looking stupid tomorrow was not on my agenda. Spoiler alert: I'm still stressed out.

And then, the realization hit—I have a piano lesson tomorrow, and I haven't practiced. While I'm juggling plant-packing logistics, I'm also trying to figure out how to squeeze in some piano time. Stress level? Through the roof.

To add insult to injury, the weather forecast for tomorrow predicts a thunderstorm. Just what I needed.

Lesson learned, folks. I need to save money, but I also need to be smarter about it. Here's hoping I don't find myself in another plant-related predicament anytime soon. Cheers to stress-free adventures!

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