Japanese Cemetery Park

Well, let me tell you, the Japanese Cemetery Park in Singapore is one unique resting place. It's like a little slice of Japan, right in the heart of Singapore! The beautifully manicured gardens are home to over 900 graves, each one belonging to a Japanese expat or soldier who once called Singapore their home. But don't worry, there's no haunting by vengeful spirits, just peaceful resting places. In fact, the cemetery is so serene that even the nearby birds and squirrels seem to tiptoe around out of respect.

I have been diligently churning out videos into my Youtube channels since the beginning of September. I have been forcing myself to learn and use openshot, telling myself that my videos do not have to be perfect, but it needs to be done. Every videos should be an improvement compared to the previous one.

I managed to speed up the video editing process as I get more use to openshot. I have tested some intro and some outro and you may find that the fews videos that I have been doing may not be consistance. I told myself that it is all right since I am still searching for my style. I can feel some improvement, there are some stuffs which I will like to keep and there are others that needs improvement.

I have not went out to shot videos as often as I wanted due to the covid situation and KJ taking his exam. I dun want a covid case at home. So I have dugged out some old videos, as old as 2019 and started to do some video editing with them. 

I am now posting videos on every Friday on 5pm. I have schedule a few videos ahead of time and I hope that I can catch up with this plan. I hope that my plans will still work after I started working full time again.

29 April 2023:

I went to the Japanese Cemetery Park again in April, this time with KJ and his friend. We were there for some photography session since the flowers started blooming. Below are some shoot posted in my Instagram. I hope you will enjoy them.

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