The Style Cure 7th Assignment: decluttering

I was so excited when I read "pick up some chips" on the title that I just open a packet of chips. While munching on the chips and reading the article, I got a bit disappointed that it has got nothing to do with the chips on my hands. I thought it was a reward after some cleaning job.

It was Saturday afternoon when I read about this posting. I was already half dead after coming home from the doctor, the library and spotlight. I have not finish my groceries shopping and cleaning up my house yet. I have guest coming over to my house on Sunday and I have done nothing to make my house clean. And now, I read the post in Apartment Therapy. I am suppose to declutter my son's room this weekend. But my weekend was packed!

Anyway, I have decided to forget about cooking Saturday dinner and moved my half dead body to my son's room. I got myself seated on the storage stool and began ordering my son to pick "this" up, return "that" to it's "home", blah blah blah. I began to clear stuffs from his big paper box which was under the table, asking him if he still want to keep this or that. I am lucky that my son was not a person that hoard his stuffs. However, he had regretted some of the stuffs he has given away.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, this felt like a pretty big project to tackle on Halloween weekend - we had people over on Saturday and cleaning the living room/kitchen ended up putting our bedroom in WORSE shape because I hid a lot of the clutter in there. We weren't able to get started until Sunday night, so we didn't get the room to 100% this weekend.
