My messy bedroom

I really love the cooling weather now. I wish the weather is like that whole year round. However, it was already reported some where that the weather is going to be hotter in the next 10 or 20 years. So I think I will still keep my air-condition in my house. I was thinking of dismantling it after my ex moved out but I change my mind.

Anyway, I hate my master bedroom now.

It is in a total mess. I have got no choice since I need to give my study room to my son. He is growing and he needs a room to himself. I have been moving my things bit by bit into my master bedroom and I have got no idea where are my stuffs now.

I just dumped things in this room. I know I will have this sorted out but I hope I will settle this by this year.

Actually, I am thinking that my old study table is too big for my present bedroom. It was a dinner table and I used to love having it as my study table. I have got no space now. Do I have to spend money to buy another table for myself?

Where shall I keep my favourite red metal side cabinet? It used to be under my study table and it work wonderfully in my previous study room. Now, it seems too big to be in my master bedroom.

I have been thinking, I will need to buy a single bed for myself, my son and my tenant. 3 beds! A wardrobe for my tenant and KJ. A study table for KJ, a bed head board for myself, water heater for the common toilet, repainting all 3 bedrooms... am I going to spend all that money? Or shall I just spilt the furnitures shopping into 2? Buying all at one go will save me on transport fees. And I still need to pay for installation! My feets were still in pain, I cannot do so much.

I love being single but sometimes it get really difficult. I just manage to shift the whole glass study table (dining table size) from one bedroom to another without help. It was impossible to just move the table as normal as the door is smaller than the width of the table. Beside that, you got to turn the table 90 degree into my room with space that is smaller than the table. I was so worried that I will break the whole glass when I flip the table to one side. After getting the table into my bedroom, I have got no strength to flip the table back into the right position. It was too heavy for me to lift up the table from the bottom. In the end, I found a metal pole and use my feet to slide the metal pole under the table leaving a gap at the bottom. After doing this, I mange to flip the table without breaking the glass.

I dunno if I did any cure today but I did a lot. I scrubbed the floor again after moving my bed. I clean the inside of my red metal cabinet. There is more things to do tomorrow and I target to hand over my study room to my son by tomorrow. It means that I have to remove the last book shelves and cds shelve out of his room and move in his toys cabinet and all his toys into his room. Meanwhile, I will explore how to re-arrange all my stuffs in my room.

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