January Cure: Dream about the room

Today assignment is to mediate, find a room or space that you hardly spend your time there and try to imagine it to be nice. I think that was easy. I do not even need to be in that room. I do not even need that assignment because I have done that quite a few time over the past few years. It was my future passive income room. However, I cannot do anything to that room yet until my ex. moves out. I hope it will happen before this coming Lunar New Year which will be on the 30th January.

I have a sketchup version of my whole house which I often rearrange my furniture in it before I move my real furniture. I need to know space and feeling I will get before buying any new furniture. Since most of my furniture are ikea furntures, they are easy to find in sketchup.

An example of my future passive income room. I have decided that I will just provide a new bed and a new wardrobe for my new tenant. Anything else will be my present furnitures.

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