My Bucket List

The following is my bucket list that I have been updating since the Squidoo era. I have added new things to this list that I would like to try and strike out things that no longer interest me. Keeping this list updated reminds me that I am capable of achieving what I intend to do. You should create and put up your own bucket list too.

Important Things to do

1. Earn more passive income and achieve financial freedom.

2. Be my own boss in my retirement.

3. Retired at age 55

4. I want to be happy - I am happy now...Ongoing...

5. Invest in private properties - Losing interest

6. Get my University degree - Done

7. Get my driving license - Done

8. Buy my own house - Done

9. Have children - Done

10. Own online shops - Done

11. Volunteer at SPCA - Done

12. 100 lenses in Squidoo - Forget about it

13. Become a giant squid - Done

14. Earned purple stars in Squidoo lens- Done

Stuffs to Learn 

1. Get Distinction in Grade 5 in Music Performance Exam by 2022 - I passed my exam

2.    Get Distinction in Grade 6 in Music Performance Exam - In progress

3.    Get Distinction in Grade 7 in Music Performance Exam

4.    Get Distinction in Grade 8 in Music Performance Exam

5. Get the Specialist Diploma in BIM Management from Singapore Polytechnic - Done

6. Get Distinction in Grade 5 in Music Theory  - Got a pass in 2019 (self study)

7. Play the Piano - On going

8. Master Malay language - learning now

9. Master cartoon drawing - No longer interested

10. Master digital art - No longer interested

11.    Learn DaVinci Resolve - learning now

12. I want to sing well.

13. I want to be able to play any music on the piano.

Things to Do With My Family

1. Attend my son's wedding.

2. Attend my son's graduation.

3. Spend more time with mom and dad - On going

4. I want grandchildren and I want to spoilt them.

5. Travel with my parents and my son, to Malaysia, Japan, etc. - On going

6. Bring my son to Disneyland - Done.

7. Learn how to roller blade with my son - Forget about it. He is not interested and I dun want to hurt my feet again.

I Want To Have Fun

1. Jump off from a plane again.

2. Bungee jump.

3. Ride in a hot air balloon.

4. Read all the books on my wish list - Presbyopia and feeling dizzy with glasses on is the reason why I hardly read any books. I do audio books now.

5. Watch Madonna concert live - Oh my god, the concert was so expensive when she came to Singapore. My other bucket list will be delay if I spend on her concert. So I gave it a miss.

6. Jump off from a plane at 12,000 feet high - Done.

7. Fly in a first class seat.

I Want to Stay Healthy For a Long Time

1. Run a full marathon.

2. Hug my legs while I am standing or sitting straight.

3.     Complete the Coast to Coast Walk.

4. Keep my weight below 55kg - On going

Places to See 

These are some of the places that I hope to visit before I kick the bucket.

1. Visit Times Square in New York.

2. Backpack New Zealand with my son.

3. Visit The Grand Canyon.

4. Take a cruise to Alaska, to see real wild polar bears.

5. Visit Frank Lloyd Wright's Falling Water.

6. Visit Germany. I am hoping to visit some of Behnisch's works - Done, but I did not see any Behnisch's work.

7. Revisit Newcastle, Australia. I want to go back to my university, bar beach and more and take a train from Newcastle to Sydney. I hope to do that with my son.

8. Visit Paris.

9. Visit Niagara Falls.

10. Make my first solo trip to anywhere.

11. Overland trip from Singapore to Arctic Circle or Switzerland. 

12. Backpack whole of Taiwan. I have visited Taipei once and I find it very nice. Looking forward to visit their countryside.

13. Visit LegoLand - Done.

14. Backpack Japan with my son - Went there with my son & Dad for 4 days.

15. Visit Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - Done.

16. Visit all the states in China

17. Visit all the states in Europe

18. Visit Antarctica, South Georgia and the king penguins

19.     Do an oversea hiking trip.

20.    Visit Finland, Norway and Sweden.

21.    Visit Langkawi, Malaysia

Edit on: 14 Jan 2019, 22 Feb 2019, 5 Apr 2020, 31 May 2021, 4 Aug 2021, 30 Jan 2023, 2 Apr 2023, Feb 2024    

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