
After seeing a Facebook page on a booth that sell air-plant in Yew Tee Point, I actually went down and brought 3 air-plants for $10 today. I felt like spending $20 to get 6 air-plants instead, but I am jobless at the moment. I have to control myself.

I realised that I have made a huge mistake. I have forgotten to take down the names of the air-plants I have brought. I have to search online to determine the names of the air-plants. I hope I get their names correct as some air-plants look so similar to each other.

The lady at the booth told me that I should spray the air plants with water instead of soaking them. She told me that soaking them will result in air-plant deaths. She also told me that the bigger air-plant can be soak, but not the smaller ones. Those air-plants that is placed in a windy location should be sprayed everyday, and those in no wind location can be spray with water every 2 days.

Since I have heard 2 ways of care for air-plants, I seriously do not know who to listen too. Maybe I will start spraying my air-plants instead. If I see them turned dry, then I will soak them.

1) Ionantha Guatemala
2) Tillandsia Bulbosa
3) Tillandsia Caput-medusae

Tillandsias (aka air-plants) need to be watered regularly; Recommend spraying the whole plant until it is dripping wet.

The Ionantha Guatemala has flowered.

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