My cactus, succulents update

I told KJ that this is my favourite succulents because it gave me confident to grow cactus and succulents again after I have killed so many of them. This fellow just grow and grow. It used to look like this.

A baby shot out from one of the stem. I thought it was going to be a flower. I may give this baby a new pot when it grow a bit bigger. Used to look like that when I first brought it. It has bloomed for me once and that's it. Ok, I should be happy that these 3 guys are still surviving when they have been attack by mealy bugs. I have moved these 3 guys to a different location away from my other cactus. I hope it will not affect the rest of my plants.

I have been plucking a lot of babies off this cactus. I will throw the babies back into the soil in this container and I suspect one of them is growing. I am still waiting for the rabbit's ears to fall off so that I can put it back to the soil again. Click here and scroll to the second plant to see it old look.

Remember my Christmas present from my mom? When I receive it, it has tiny chilli plant in a pot of money plant. Now the chilli plant is 80cm tall. I think it has a flower on it, but I am not sure. Will take pictures if it really bloom.

Anyway, I still have my "old man" and the round spiky fellow except that the spiky fellow seems to be reducing in size. I have repotted it and it seems like it is not dying and not growing. As for the "old man", it seems to grow a bit taller and it look the same. I have only killed my donkey tail.

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